Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Current Project - Update 1

I started the Witches Stitches pattern, Elemental Cosmos, on 9-FEB-2014. I have had the pattern for about a year, and clearing up other projects allowed me to start this one. I am actually pretty excited about it - I love to work on black canvas. I took the time to enter the pattern into my copy of PC Stitch, and I will likely transfer a pdf version of the pattern to my iPad and use the iPad instead of a paper copy of the pattern.

This is my progress as of right now:

Looks kind of art deco, if I were to leave it as a finished project right now. The blank spaces are because I didn't have the threads yet for the colors as I radiated out from the center. Need to pick those up tonight.


  1. You put the entire pattern into PC Stitch? Wow! What a great idea ~ I have made photo copies, but putting into PC Stitch is a great idea ~ I never even thought of doing that

  2. It's a time consuming process. It took about a week to do, and as I am stitching I am finding errors, which are inevitable I guess. But it was totally worth the effort, and now I always have an electronic copy :)
